Gen. Kyanda Warns Protocol Officers

Maj Gen Leopold Kyanda (C) in a group photo with the UPDF Protocol Team
UPDF Protocol Team Undergoes Training
The Joint Chief of Staff, Maj Gen Leopold Kyanda said that the engagements of the Uganda
Peoples’ Defence Forces both at home and abroad require professional protocol staff to manage,
further challenging protocol officers to put into practice the skills acquired during their two-week
training to enhance their work.
“I implore you to take advantage of this course and to continue to uphold the UPDF ethos
especially as you deal with foreign visitors. Remember, you are the face of UPDF. Your turnout is
very important and therefore, this course will help to equip you with skills on how to handle
events,” said Maj. Gen Kyanda.
Maj Gen Kyanda was speaking during the opening of the first ever Uganda Peoples’ Defence
Forces Protocol Officers’ Staff Course at the Ministry of Defence and Veterans Affairs
Headquarters, Mbuya recently. He said this is in fulfilment of the Chief of Defence Forces directive
to professionalize the Directorate in further preparation for future international events.
Maj. Gen Kyanda tasked the officers that as part of their duty, they must be good facilitators,
negotiators and researchers. He cautioned them to be mindful of the kinds of conversations they
involve themselves in.
The Director of Protocol, Col Naboth Mwesigwa thanked the Joint Chief of Staff for his
commitment towards ensuring that the training of protocol officers takes place and said it will
greatly improve their performance and the expectations of the leadership.
Col Mwesigwa added that as a protocol department, they have fulfilled most of the targets that
were laid out for them and look forward to addressing the missing gaps that are pending.